Sunday, May 5, 2013

So what's this Iron Butt thing all about?

As I was writing my previous post my friend Bill was literally in the middle of doing an Iron Butt ride through France.  I suppose that was a large part of what started me rethinking the whole blog thing and why I ended up writing something.

Bill successfully completed his ride and in several days he'll be on a plane to come to the U.S. to do another one with me and our friend Adrian.  I rode the Cannonball with Bill last year and we got on very well together.  We met Adrian in Abilene, Texas.  He helped to organize a BBQ/party for the Cannonball riders and seems like a sane, level-headed guy.

Anyway, a bit about the Iron Butt.  I explained what it is.  I have a harder time explaining why I want to do it.  When I tell people about it there's usually a bit of a pause before they scrunch up their face a bit, cock their head, and ask why.  My answer makes sense to me but I doubt it does to many others.  It's really pretty simple: because I can.  Really, it's not a whole lot more complex than that.  I like to ride - that's a given - and I also like a good challenge.  Some people assume there's a competitive aspect to it.  Maybe that would make it more understandable; I don't know.  But it's not competitive.  Not only do you not win anything, you have to pay to have someone validate your ride so they'll give you a certificate and an Iron Butt license plate frame.

If pressed I'd also say that part of the motivation for this sort of thing is that I want to do crazy shit while I still can.  I'm not old but I'm getting older.  I want to do a 1,000-mile ride on my scooter when the only ill effects will be some fatigue and stiffness, not a threat to my life.  That's really the best explanation I can give.  Most folks still won't really get it but that's fine with me.  It doesn't need to make sense to anyone but me.

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